Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Sports Talk Blog 5, Question 1 (March 1)

What are the positives and negatives of “hot take” sports debate shows? Why are they so popular with both sports network executives and audiences? Finally, what’s your take on “hot take” shows? Do you like or dislike them and why? Includes specific examples (ex: shows, hosts) to back up your arguments.

Sports Talk Blog 5, Question 2 (March 1)

Sports podcasts have become the new sports talk radio. Why are they so popular with audiences? What purpose do they serve in the sports media landscape? And what do you think of the trend of former and current athletes hosting their own podcasts? Be sure to offer specific examples to support your points. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Sports TV Blog 4, Question 1 (Feb. 22)

How have changes in audience television viewing habits, particularly the shift to on-demand streaming options, impacted live sports broadcasts? What are some of the ways sports broadcasting outlets are adapting to keep audiences engaged? Offer specific examples to support your points. Limit: 13 responses

Sports TV Blog 4, Question 2 (Feb. 22)

What will the future of televised sports look like? Discuss three trends that you think will shape sports television in the next 5 years. Limit: 13 responses

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Super Bowl Blog 3, Question 1 (Feb. 15)

How would you assess this year’s Super Bowl – from the commercials to the halftime show to the game itself? In this changing media environment, is the Super Bowl as influential as a showcase for advertisers, performers, and the NFL as it was in the past?  Limit: 13 responses

Sports Journalism Blog 3, Question 2 (Feb. 15)

With so many competing sources of information today, what is the purpose of sports journalism? What can good sports journalists offer to fans that other sources can’t? And what are some of the challenges facing sports journalists today? Be sure to offer specific examples to support your points. Limit: 13 responses

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Sports Fandom & Personal Identity Blog 2, Question 1 (Feb. 8)

The readings for Tuesday (Feb. 8) look at what motivates sports fandom and the costs/consequences of being a sports fan. What are the two biggest motivators (noted in the readings) for you and/or your friends and family who are sports fans? What are some of the extremes or lengths you or others have gone to demonstrate their fandom? Finally, what are two of the downsides of sports fandom? Be sure to use specific examples to support your points.  Limit: 13 responses

Sports Fandom & National Identity Blog 2, Question 2 (Feb. 8)

The Olympic Games unite the world for two+ weeks of athletic competition and highlight many sports and athletes that wouldn’t get attention otherwise. Rooting for one’s country gives people a sense of national pride. But the games also cost billions of dollars, have been rife with scandal, and have decreased in popularity – at least according to U.S. TV ratings. This raises the question – do the Olympics still matter? In your response, examine both sides of the issue by discussing two positive and two negative aspects of the Olympics. Finally, where do you stand and why? Limit: 13 responses

Sports Movies & TV Shows Blog 10, Question 1 (April 26)

Why are sports movies and TV shows so popular? How do they reflect the influence sports have on society and vice versa? Finally, how have sp...